Knowledge Hub
programmes and similar science-learning activities.
It shares the findings and recommendations of other related initiatives,
which explored the learning processes and outcomes for people who
participated in citizen-science projects.
And provides a new tool for creating mini-sites and web applications
for new citizen-science projects.
About the platform
LifeWatch Citizen Science is a place for sharing knowledge, tools, training material and other resources for participatory projects in biodiversity and ecosystem research. It is a platform that facilitates citizen involvement in scientific activities. It includes:
- a section devoted to basic knowledge on citizen science, its potential and its applications;
- a section dedicated to best practices and tutorials on the development and management of citizen-science projects;
- a section devoted to questions and answers on citizen science;
- a section devoted to cataloguing both existing and new citizen-science projects with an open-source webGIS for viewing initiatives on a map-based interface;
- a tool for creating mini-sites for new citizen-science projects;
- a web application, customisable by users and supporting any citizen-science activity, that provides for the collection of geo-referenced observations;
- integration between various components and services of LifeWatch.
Best Practices
Training Resources
This event aims to inspire and support you to explore what citizen science is and the opportunities it offers, for...
MICS (measuring the impact of citizen science) [mics.tools] has developed a simple platform to help project coordinators assess the impact...
The EU-Citizen.Science workroom invited different speakers to present their citizen-science impact assessment framework: Barbara Kieslinger from ZSI (the Centre for...
The ECSA Conference 2022 will be held from October 5-8 in Berlin, Germany. Researchers from all disciplines, scientists, practitioners, activists,...